Friday, September 11, 2009

Mother's Act

It is so frustrating and disheartening to see (over and over) the misinformation that is posted about the Mother's Act. Those who oppose it seem to have no qualms about posting misleading and inaccurate information. One of their favorites is the falsehood that ALL women will be FORCED to undergo MANDATORY SCREENING for postpartum mood disorders. Actually, the Act mandates that certain providers OFFER screening.
But I guess it would look pretty bad to say "No -- mothers should not be OFFERED the opportunity for screening." So I guess they need the distortions.

What IS their agenda?
What seems clear to me is this:
1. At least one very prolific opponent had postpartum mood disorders and received what she felt was unnecessary and even harmful treatment.
2. At least one notable "expert" who is an opponent has strong ties to a group who oppose ANY treatment of ANY mental disorder on the grounds that mental disorders are not real biological disorders and therefore cannot be treated with medication.
3. Unlike PSI members, these women do not spend time helping and supporting new moms with mood disorders -- nor do they offer any alternatives to an unsatisfactory status quo. (Which adds to my suspicions about their motives.)

It is hard for me to understand why the woman in #1 would oppose the Act given the provisions in the Act for education and non-medical support and treatment. My guess is that she agrees with the expert that mental disorders don't exist and that medication should never be an option. (Think Tom Cruise and his statement to Brooke Sheilds.)

However, it is not likely that many would be convinced by an argument like, "I don't believe mood disorders are related to biology, therefore postpartum women should not be offered screening." Therefore they must and do rely on distortions (mandatory screening, that PSI is a front for Big Pharma and other distortions) and fear tactics (this is a plot by Big Phama to control the minds of women) and an appeal to the very thing they oppose -- freedom of choice.

Unfortunately for all those women out there who suffer and their families, this opposition may succeed. I really don't know. If it does, each time we see in the news another horrific story about a woman who kills her baby I invite you to join me in saying, "This one's on you, Amy P."

Please contact the politicians in your state and alert your friends and family to voice support for the MOTHERS ACT. And if you do, let me know so that I can thank you.